Contact Information

110 East 25th St.
New York NY 10010
United States

Basic Info

Founded in: 2015


Employees: 20

Awards: 57

Creative Work: 30

Founded in: 2015


Employees: 20

Awards: 57

Creative Work: 30


110 East 25th St.
New York NY 10010
United States

Unpacking the magic of sunrise for Delsey.

  • What was the brief of the campaign?

We pitched this idea as an extension of DELSEY PARIS's new masterbrand work that launched this year. Sharing travel stories and moments is so integral to the experience of the 21st century jetsetter and we felt any work needed a dynamic and participatory angle to it that brought the brand's ethos and aesthetic to life. While we keyed in on this particular sharing behavior and tried to capture the overwhelming feeling of a magical sunrise, the entire idea was built and briefed off the brand: how do we express the brand's identity and strengths and how do we make the freedom of travel a reality?

  • The sky and the sun seem to play important roles in Delsey’s recent communications. Can you tell us why?

The sun and the sky represent the unbound potential and opportunity of travel. The rising sun in particular is an integral part of the brand's identity.. Travel is the core function of the company, but the freedom and opportunity provided by travel are really what make the brand sing and resonate with audiences. The rising sun represents the new opportunity of everyday to try something new, go somewhere different, and experience the world. We wanted to celebrate the brand's symbol in a literal sense during 'Eternal Sunrise' but also bring to life that feeling of hope and renewal that we experience when we travel, and when we see a gorgeous sunrise.

  • How did you cast the influencers and convince them to take part?

DELSEY PARIS is first and foremost a travel and luggage company, but the brand has roots in lifestyle and fashion, from streetwear to luxury. We cast influencers that spanned interests and passion points so that the activation could touch as many relevant niches as possible while still feeling true to the brand. Travel is one thing, but what you do and what you're looking for is incredibly personal, so we needed the activation to be inclusive. The influencers we reached out to all rallied not just behind that idea but also the opportunity to be part of a communal chain that passed sunrises around the world. No convincing needed!

  • What ground rules did you set, and how much freedom did they have to interpret the brief?

The only must-have we gave to each influencer was a visible sunrise and DELSEY PARIS luggage, the rest we left up to their individual creative interpretation. In our experience, influencers know their craft and their audiences best, so giving them the tools and letting them create the rest is key to getting the most beautiful results.

  • What are the next steps?

We will continue to amplify specific parts of the activation over the next few weeks and months because we believe we've locked onto a really crucial and special element of the brand's identity and the role it can play in the space and for audiences. But the immediate next step is to thank the influencers who joined us on this journey, thank our amazing client partners who collaborated all the way through to make this all possible, and then look at future sunrises with a whole new sense of appreciation and gratitude.


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New York, United States
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