Contact Information

190 Exmouth House 3-11 Pine Street
London EC1R 0JH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 0203 371 6360

Basic Info

Founded in: 2013


Awards: 41

Creative Work: 96

Founded in: 2013


Awards: 41

Creative Work: 96

Lucky Generals

190 Exmouth House 3-11 Pine Street
London EC1R 0JH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 0203 371 6360

Lucky Generals named as one of 2024’s Contagious Pioneers

The agency becomes one of only eight businesses globally to be given the accolade by the highly respected global title 

Contagious has named Lucky Generals as one of only a handful of agencies to make it into its prestigious 2024 Contagious Pioneers, an award recognising a small number of businesses worldwide that set the standard for innovation and creative excellence in marketing. 

Other notable companies on the list include Colenso BBDO in Auckland, GUT in Buenos Aires and Rethink, Toronto.

Contagious selects the Pioneer agencies by rigorously analysing the work featured on its online intelligence tool, Contagious IQ.

Lucky Generals' award-winning work included campaigns for Yorkshire Tea ‘Pack Yer Bags’, Virgin Atlantic ‘See the World Differently’, and Co-op Funeral Care’s ‘Talking Now Helps Your Loved Ones Later’.

Only campaigns that demonstrate the highest levels of creativity and strategic thinking pass Contagious’ rigorous editorial filter. The Pioneer agencies are those that had the most campaigns featured on Contagious IQ over the past year, cross-referenced against metrics such as the number of different clients represented across their body of work, and whether the campaigns were selected as ‘Editor’s Picks’ or chosen for more in-depth coverage.

Contagious editor Chloe Markowicz, said: “At Contagious, we only concern ourselves with the very best marketing in the world. So having a single campaign featured on the Contagious IQ platform is already high praise for any agency, but to be ranked a Contagious Pioneer signifies that an agency has consistently achieved excellence.

“Our 2024 Pioneers agencies have created work that stands out as the most creative, innovative and effective in the industry. They deserve recognition for campaigns that demonstrate breakthrough thinking and set a new creative standard, exhibiting what future-facing marketing should look like.”

Cressida Holmes-Smith, CEO at Lucky Generals, said: “We may not have discovered a new country, or solved a major illness yet (or even a minor one), but as Generals, we judge ourselves on our creativity, our innovative ideas and our ability to continuously push the boundaries to deliver exceptional results for our clients. (As well as how much fun we can have whilst doing that). So we’re delighted and honoured to be recognised by such a respected title as Contagious as one of a handful of standout global pioneers in this area. Here’s to the future of creative exploration.”

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